Dropbox Integration
When time is of the essence, even the extra step it takes to upload your files to Samply can be frustrating. That's why we've built this integration. You can bounce files directly to your hard-drive and have them automatically uploaded to Samply in the background.
In this article:
- Connecting with Dropbox
- Upload to existing projects
- Creating new projects
- Disconnecting from Dropbox
To connect your Dropbox account with Samply, first navigate to the Integrations > Dropbox page. Clicking the "Connect" button will redirect to Dropbox and ask for permission to access data from your Dropbox App Folder. Once you grant permission, you're all set up!
Note: Samply is a "scoped" Dropbox app, meaning it can only access data that is within your Samply App Folder (as opposed to your entire Dropbox folder).
Using the integration
Once you have completed the setup process, you will see a Samply folder appear at the following location:
Dropbox > Apps > Samply
Whether you add files to this folder from the Dropbox web interface or through the desktop sync, Samply will be notified of changes to this folder and sync your files automatically.
Uploading to an existing project
When you open the Samply folder, you might see some sub-folders that match the names of your projects. Adding a file to these folders will automatically add that file into the associated Samply project.
Note: While in beta, your existing projects may not appear automatically in the Samply app folder.
Creating a new project
If you want to create a brand new project, all you have to do is create a new folder in the root of the Samply folder. This will create a new project, and any files added to it will be automatically uploaded.
Disconnecting from Dropbox
If for some reason you would like to disconnect your Dropbox account from Samply, just head back over to Integrations > Dropbox. You'll see a "Disconnect" button, clicking this will completely disconnect Dropbox and Samply, but all your files will remain safely in both services.